MELEMA Pharma GmbH
Nattermannallee 1
Main building E 04
50829 Cologne
telephone: +49 (0) 221 474 484 00
Mobile: +49 (0) 173 525 828 7
email: h.lentzen (at) gmx.de
Web: www.melemapharma.de
MELEMA Pharma GmbH is a recently founded pharmaceutical biotechnology company with a focus on the development of cancer drugs based on natural substances.
The lead product, ME-503 (Aviscumine), is a recombinant protein that has been used in various phase I clinical studies and has recently completed a promising phase II study in patients with refractory metastatic melanoma (Stage IV). This test revealed significant clinical activity for ME-503, which was significantly superior to standard therapy in a historical control group.
In addition: The very good compatibility data from this study confirm corresponding experiences from the Phase I program.
MELEMA Pharma will widely exploit the potential of ME-503 as an immunotherapeutic agent in this and other indications. The company is particularly interested in partnerships in order to accelerate clinical development here.
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